Wednesday, August 17, 2016

My Final Day

Today is my last day here at the Albemarle/Charlottesville Extension Office. It has been another fun summer, that's for sure! I have learned a lot, met a lot of new people from around the county, and tried new things that I would not have seen myself trying out before my internships here. The last 3 summers working here have been awesome! I have made so many new friends, seen so many things, helped with so many events, learned a lot about myself, and have had the opportunity to work in an office with some of the coolest people! From Pie Days to fairs to long days at 4-H camp, I cannot imagine spending my last 3 summers with this extension office. I spent the summer of 2013 interning at the Greene County Extension Office, so my last 4 summers have been spent in 4-H offices with youth. What will I do with myself after today?
I will be heading down to Disney World to complete the Disney College Program from September 6 to January 5, 2017. I've never been to Disney World, or Florida for that matter, so it should be an adventure! After Disney, I'm not exactly sure what my plans are, but I know I will stay involved with 4-H wherever I end up! You never know, you may see me in a 4-H agent position one day!
Thank you all for making this final summer of 4-H (and FCS) so wonderful! I wouldn't have wanted to spend my summers anywhere else! :)

LIFT Post Assessments 8/16

Yesterday, Ian and I finished up the LIFT class Ian had been teaching for the last 10 weeks. The group was fantastic and the exercises were fun to do! It was a great learning experience to work with older adults with this fitness class, since the majority of my time is spent with young children. I enjoyed getting to know the members of the class and doing the exercises with them when I could. We did the same exercises yesterday that the participants had done on the pre-assessment before they started the LIFT class. EVERY SINGLE PARTICIPANT SHOWED IMPROVEMENT! Many participants even improved in every single exercise. Whether they were able to complete more reps or shave off some time, they did such a great job! It was really cool to see how this LIFT class was structured and kind of go at your own pace while being pushed to try new things. I really enjoyed the class and I think all the participants did as well!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Boys and Girls Club Recycled Crafts Workshop

This week, Whitney and I taught a Recycled Crafts Workshop at the Boys and Girls Club in Scottsville. Our recyclable product we were focusing on was egg cartons. We did two different crafts using egg cartons, which included: egg carton flowers and egg carton turtles. The participants got to use their imaginations and were very excited to use paint on the egg cartons to make them prettier!
Feel free to look below at a few pictures of the items that were made at our workshop earlier in the week!

A Day in the Great Outdoors

Yesterday, the 4-H Program Assistant, and I went to Camp Albemarle and taught a day camp, A Day in the Great Outdoors. We did all sorts of fun activities! We went on a nature walk, did a scavenger hunt, made a campfire and roasted smores over the fire (as well as we could, the wood was a little damp from rain the previous days, so it was kind of a small fire), made bird feeders with sticks, yarn, peanut butter, and bird seed and put them in the trees for the birds to enjoy, studied and drew animal tracks, and played outside on the rocks, played soccer in the grass, and had some fun looking at all types of creatures from bugs to lizards!
Although the weather was hot and the humidity was high, we had a successful day! Fun was had by all, and spending a day surrounded by nature was a good break for the kids as well as the adults. :)