Tuesday, July 26, 2016

STEAM Workshop at the Boys and Girls Club

We had the opportunity to go to the Boys and Girls Club and introduce the children to some new science concepts! We discussed physical changes and chemical changes as we turned our liquid mixture into a gooey slimy blob, we watched as Mentos were dropped into Diet Coke bottles and we saw the reaction to the Mentos hitting the Coke caused a fountain of soda to go straight up in the air over 10 feet, and we did Bubbleology! With Bubbleology, we made mixtures of dish soaps and water and then put a little of our solution down on the table before putting a straw on the table with the mixture and blowing through the straw to create a bubble. We used three different dish soaps: Palmolive, Dawn, and Gain to see which made the biggest bubbles. Each child did five trials in each solution and documented the diameter of each bubble they blew. Then we averaged the diameters to decide which soap brand makes the largest bubbles. We used the Scientific Method during this experiment. Each child had a hypothesis of which soap brand would make the largest bubbles, and then we did multiple trials using different variables, and then documented our results to prove whether our hypothesis was correct or incorrect.
The kids loved the experiments and had a great time learning all about STEAM!

Bubbles are fun!

Diet Coke and Mentos!

Using Palmolive dish soap to make bubbles!

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